We offer consulting services, for those working in production, distribution and marketing of a wide range of products and services;
- Documentary, Biographic, Historical, and Fictionalized productions, including an Ongoing Documentary Series, Television, Internet – By project contract only
- Project Management – Consulting and Coaching – $200/hr
- Leadership Effectiveness – Consulting and Coaching – $200/hr
- Archival Consulting Services – $100/hr
- Vintage automotive Restoration, Re-engineering, and Design Consulting – $100/hr
- Editing, Writing, and Publishing Services for Automotive Articles, Journals and Books – $100/hr
- Keynote / Guest Speaker – $2,500
If you’d like to request any of our services, please contact us by email (with your approved budget) c/o rfoss@fossmobile.ca.
[Alongside our current offerings, we also request reimbursement of any out of pocket expenses.]
[A donation of 10% of all revenue will be donated to the Canadian Automotive Museum]
Ron Foss is an experienced leader with a proven resume of working in the management consulting industry. Skilled in Sales Management, Human Resource Development, Project Management, Performance Management, and Leadership Effectiveness. He is a versatile professional, with an International Master of Management, focused on Business Administration and Leadership from McGill University. He is a retired executive from the financial services industry, ran his own executive coaching practice and more recently successfully project managed the building the tribute Fossmobile.
Active Member:
Society of Automotive Historians
Canadian Federation of Friends of Museums
Constructing The (Tribute) Fossmobile (White Paper)
The Necessary Steps for Success