The Québec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN)
The Québec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) is a non-profit, non-partisan, province-wide organization engaged with its members in the preservation and promotion of the history, heritage and culture of Québec.
As the custodian of our distant past and recent history, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is a key resource for all Canadians who wish to gain a better understanding of who they are, individually and collectively. They now hold all the family archives pertaining to the Fossmobile and George F. Foss.
The Canadian Encyclopedia plays an essential role in providing Canadians with accurate, updated information about our people and country. The idea of covering all branches of knowledge or aspects of a subject in one body of work dates back to 1728 in England. This version of The Canadian Encyclopedia was released in this enhanced digital interactive form, in October 2013, and now includes the Fossmobile facts and details.
The Canadian Automotive Museum
The Canadian Automotive Museum continues to maintain a nearly century-old former car dealership building in Oshawa, Ontario. The main floor holds the majority of European vehicles, while the second floor tells the story of automotive manufacturing in Canada. The family built (tribute) Fossmobile is proudly on display, as part of their Canadian collection.
The Vintage Automobile Club of Montreal
The Montreal Non-Profit Club which aims to promote the conservation, restoration and development of the old, classic cars, by bringing together those who share this passion, since its foundation in 1956.
Antique Automobile Club of America
Since 1935, AACA has had one goal: The preservation and enjoyment of automotive history of all types.
The Société d’histoire de Sherbrooke was founded on March 2, 1927. From the beginning, the historical society had a double mission: the preservation of local and regional heritage and the dissemination of the history of Sherbrooke and the Eastern Townships.
Society of Automotive Historians
The Society of Automotive Historians is an eclectic but serious community of historians that includes academic scholars, automotive journalists and publishers, museum and library professionals, educational and cultural organizations, car collectors and restorers, and enthusiasts.